What is Hospice
Collaborative Approach
Our caregivers partner with all of our patients’ relatives, creating an environment of comfort and security for your loved ones.
Wide-ranging Clinical Support
Our team of professionals help relieve the physical symptoms of illness while addressing the patients emotional and spiritual needs
Skilled Staff
Each member of our hospice team is uniquely qualified to provide specialty level end-of-life care for all types of illnesses.
On Site Care
Our experienced caregivers provide the practical tools and education necessary to care for your loved one at home.
How Does Hospice Care Work?
Compassionate care for people facing a life-limiting illness or injury

What Services are Provided?
Myths & Facts
Hospice care is about helping patients live each day of their lives to the fullest extent possible and providing support to both patients and families. When making a decision about hospice care, it helps to have a good understanding of what hospice care is and what it isn’t. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about hospice, along with the true facts about this special kind of care.
FACT: Coverage for hospice care is widely available. It is provided by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance companies. Patients and families may contact Affinity Health Management at any time to review coverage options.
FACT: Patients may keep their own physician, who will work closely with the Affinity Health Management Medical Director to plan and carry out care.
Regular visits by registered hospice nurses who have specialized training in pain and symptom management.
Coordination of medical equipment and supplies for comfort and symptom management is managed by our competent staff.
Visits by hospice home health aides provide additional personal care, time, and attention.
Emergency Care
Consultation and emergency care is available twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year.
Psychosocial Support
We provide psychosocial support for our patients, their families, and their long-term staff and caregivers.
Spiritual Support
Constant spiritual support is provided to both patients and their family members if requested
Special Therapies
Physical, occupational, speech, music, and other therapies indicated in the plan of care are all provided by our expert staff.
Trained volunteers who provide companionship and support for our patients and their families.
Bereavement Counseling
Bereavement counseling for family members is provided throughout the patient's illness and for a minimum of thirteen months following death.